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Hello, welcome to Jerlyn's blog :)

JERLYN. 10/09/96.
202's the awesome-st thing that's ever been mine.
♥-ing Toilet Clique, Braces Gang, Super Powers!

something i shouldnt know / Gonna be happy from today onwards / too tired of taking the initiative each and every ... / These few days without you / I hope you think of me; / First post. /

October 2011 November 2011
something i shouldnt know / November 12, 2011 @ 1:43 PM
Haven't been blogging these few days! Had a huge quarrel with my mum............... k speechless. Don't wanna talk about it anyway. Chionged SDMA after chinese olvls. <<< It was quite hard. SDMA was crazy in studio with Mavis, Yixiang and Kelly! Me and Kelly totally went crazy! :P
Thats not the point, the point is. 304 rocks now! HAHA thanks to Mr Chia, bonded like REALLY ytd. Was freaking high! And first time i was SERIOUSLY MYSELF laughing real hard and everyth in front of them! Spam heartzxcv.
1) Pon school with Leila Kim Brandon Xavier! Thanks to Leila's mum. Squeezed like crap inside the car but freaking funny.
2) Train rides to and fro was spent on lame games. LAME. We did FRIENDSHIP circle!!!! Like omg Brandon suggested it. We were all like -_-. So yeah! We played like spelling ABC backwards, couldnt say numbers related to 3, countries name, random names in our school. LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH.
3) Here comes the worst part. We got off @ Kembangan station. And guess what we had no idea how to go to the BBQ wholesale place! With all our frigging heavy bags, we just walked and walked and ran and ran. Got lost for 3 hours wo de tian ya. When we finally got there the place is like ._. LIKE PROSTITUTE PLACE. k jk. Its like damn scary jiu diu le! Bought Yakult from the 7-11 beside for the rest k nice nice me :>
4) Had alot of trouble tryna flag a cab! and the stuff were heavy. Omg. Took a bus back to MRT and trained back! Xavier went home cos he had tuition :(
5) went back to school. SAW DAMN LITTLE 304RIANS, depressed. BUT IT WAS JUST THE STARTING! gabriel and mr chia havent come so we couldnt playyyyyy ball or start fire! so we just sat down and played bang, concentration, truth or dare ( THEY MADE ME SPIN ROUNDS AND RAN OMG the others all chose truth) and lastly HIDE AND SEEK!! <3
6) STARTED FIRE, thanks to the guys! & they played with charcoal too. Bryan and Samuel looked like cats!!! HAHAHA, mr chia was damn damn hungry i swear!!! ATE ATE ATE, shirlene ate so much omg damn cute. TOOK PICS TOOO!!!! got marshmallows and chocolate fondue(THIS ABIT FAIL LOLOL) i ate abit only zzz was so hungry when i got home!/
7) after the guys played DM, okay wait. It was Javen & Xuanhao playing! The other guys, Junjie, Samuel etc etc just acted like monsters. They shouted across the dark bball court and the monsters had to act out. FRIGGING FUNNYYYYYYYYYY.
8) We played catching after that!!! damn fun. GOSH. Mr Chia kept chasing us but we just heck care him OOPS. the girls couldnt win the guys :( THEY RAN TOO FAST! although we were only playing in bball court. LEGS ACHED LIKE MAD AFTER THAT.
9) Left school with total of 7 girls 7 guys at 9??! :) sat outside school gate till Mr Chia caught us and we said we were waiting for Michael Leung cos he left his phone and cahrger behind! TEEHEE we just sat down at the gate damn funny. while walking to mrt, teased SOMEBODY AND SOMEBODY! hehe. :P then slacked at macs. Junjie and Samuel damn childish omg!! They keep playing with the marshmallows, DIP INTO COKE AND ICE CREAM everything. They were so energetic! Acting like noisy monkeys in macs omggg. Then me Wanling, Huiping and Vanessa were so tired! Went home after that. Scammed Hovan oops! HEHE.
10) discussed about class outing! 4 of us were planning it. Zoo/sentosa/park?? Somewhere where we can PLAY!!!! When we were going home, Wanling told me smth. & i was like! I also dk she dw tell me full story what can i do :< k nvmmmmmmmm.

OH AND IT WAS A WELL SPENT 11/11/11~ first time maybe im gonna say, i love 304'11. We got bonded on the last day of school. Ironic much aint it? Btw didnt miss both 11:11 ytd! Wished once in canteen, the other in room. Twitter and fb was just spammed with wishes! HAHAH, i hope everyone spent their 11;11;11 happily! Luv y'all.

Should i go SDMA chalet tmrw??? Yuting keep asking me to go if not not fun! HAHAHA. But i have tuition. I have to go school on Monday for bio remedial too............. Tuesday have to go sch for SDMA, wed going out with Meixing, thurs class outing, fri with TC BABIES! <3 sat got infocomm stuff in sch. k thats the plan for now.... hope it all goes well.

Lastly, cheer up Geraldine! I love you honey! Dont worry too much babe.

Gonna slack myself ttm with sis at home now! Weather's so nice, RAINING PLUS AIRCON!! :P k this is such a long post. Cant wait for class outing now! (:
Gonna be happy from today onwards / November 4, 2011 @ 6:45 PM
Hi everything's like finally alright. I KINDA tool the initiative? But not rly though.... Gonna delete the previous post ltr :P
Chinese three hours have been CRAZY. But it passes by damn fast! WJH didn't PMS us today like how he did ytd. Which is a damn good thing. Other than that... I really need to catch up on my studies. Chinese O LVLS. O LVLS!!!! Less than a week. And I'm sitting here shaking leg doing NOTHING about it. >( and BIO; excretion, PHYSICS; sound, CHEM; redox and metals. WALAO WHAT'S THIS. I'm only freaking 15. My life....! ): but I'm gonna think in a '+++' way man! At least I'm a happy girl. ^^
Just got my retainers in Malaysia! Kind of uncomfortable but not really pain. Heheh better than braces def :> oh and this is crazy. I don't even really KNOW YOU WELL how to meet you tmrw?!? Never even talk to you in real life before so... NO I GUESS.
Excited for cultural pot!!! With dearie <3 GERALDINE TAN better don't pangseh me! Well that's all for now.
And I'm missing you truckloads; xoxo.
Gonna do my wallposts at night! HEHEH look out for it people! 👀
too tired of taking the initiative each and every time / November 2, 2011 @ 10:41 PM
OH yeah i changed my FB DP. & now. Should i be thinking.
1) You didnt even bother to read my tweets so you dont know whats happening @ all.
Or 2) You read but you decided not to do anything to.
SIGH i rly miss you. HATE ALL THESE STUPID LITTLE QUARRELS! suckitallupmanz. ): cold war for what. Sherwin's right. It's a freaking burden. So why cant i just say sorry and MOVE ON?! omg stubborn max and i rly hate this. SOMEONE SAVE ME URGH. nono no one can save me from this. I have to walk this path myself :/ if not history would just repeat itself sometime later. :( all i can say is, everything we've been through. It's not smth to be let go off so easily. I cant do it. But, i dont wanna freaking cry anymore. Sucks too much... :@ everyone's asking me to talk to you first. But i cant. I know...... SUCH A SMALL THING WHEN EXPLODE BECOME LIDDAT ONE URGH. irritating!!!! :(
Just spammed pics on @sexyjerlynz's account! :D HAPPY shall forget about all this now........ at least for awhile. I love toilet clique. Thanks babies, all three of you. For being there. I love you. (:
Had a good talk with Wanling today! Thanks girl.
Hope the three hours of chinese would be good tmrw. Who knows. Maybe you will come to my sit suddenly and talk to me.... HAHAH i wish. K BYE. oh and ............

These few days without you / October 31, 2011 @ 9:01 PM
We didn't talk or SMS or anything. You have no idea how much this suck. We weren't best friends for nothing right.... I have no idea how to salvage this situation right now srsly. It's impossible for you to read all this anyway so I can just rant here. Maybe it's just me and my wishful thinking....... Aiya forget it don't say better.
Hmm today was SLEEPY ALL THE WAY day! Wtcrap is that man zzzzzzx I also don't know ): keep just falling asleep.... That's for me watching drama till 1+ ytd. HUOGAI. Humph. Sian. Chem was epic with Miss Neo and Wee Hern's conv. LOL. Other than that nothing much. OH YA BIO SPA!!!!! Sucked so much. Faked EVERY SINGLE RESULT except for one. Xzzzz. And idk how do rate and everything!!!!! Need to buck up for bio. But WTH mdm yong's leaving. ARE YOU FRIGGING KIDDING MEEEEEE SRSLY HAIZ. She's a damn nice teacher!
MOST IMPT THING OF THE DAY' I'm officially braces free people. 8D my dear braces have been with me for one year and 23 days! QUITE SHORT YEAH. Gonna miss it badly since I look weird now!!!!! Nvm my mum says I look pretty so HEHE alright. ^^ BUT IT'S SO PAIN WHEN I BRUSH MY TEETH! God damn it. ):
Going to school early tmrw!! Wanna play hide and seek SOOOO badly and talk to bestie! ;) that's all for now shall leave my phone to charge now bye!
I hope you think of me; / October 30, 2011 @ 6:04 PM
Just got back from tuition! Mr Eio taught proofs. He makes things look easy. However he still mentioned its a killer topic. 😒 YUP EXPECTED LAR. He talked about his son and blah blah! His son is freaking smart hell yeah. 99 for geog. And not taking geog in sec 3! Irony much. So he says. Do well for O levels. Then you will have ALOT of choices. From there, you can choose what you REALLY LIKE. Even if it's poly! At least you don't have to do smth you don't like. HAHAH. I hope the hot guy goes Saturday class next year too! LOL. ☺ despite being in the same class for like one year we never talk before! SIGH 😔
I should read up on redox and sound soon. Wanna be well prepared so that I'm not so stressed. Mr Eio's right. Why tax on your parents so much by studying overseas! Earn a degree first life would be much easier. It makes sense. 😊
Omg and Geraldine send me ALL the TC photos we have pls! Me and my stupidness. Updated my phone without backing up. 😠 Now everything's gone....! I need some pictures HAHA.
SDMA SUCKS. Nobody wanna act for us!! :( Brandon's too busy. Lower sec bballers can't make it in he morning. Eun Seong considering. Jiaming don't want help. Urgh. SAVE ME. 😢 Thanks Hongxiang for helping me find people ytd!! You're a nice bestie.
AND OH MY TAKING OUT BRACES TMR HOHO. Pls let everything be well! Retainers pls don't be too hard or uncomfortable on me! HEHEHE OH YEAH. Changlyn will be the last one taking out! Smirks. :'P gonna be in Malaysia till evening tmr. Which is bad! Cos people are gonna miss me too much HAHAHAH.
Yup that's all for now! Gonna do some fb status to cure me from boredom. YAY. Should I watch some 公主嫁到 now?? HMM K BYE! 😘
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.